The clay room at Morrisburg

I'm still recovering from a fun weekend at Morrisburg, Ontario. It was the annual retreat for the Clayamies of Ontario and Quebec, and we had a good, but tiring, time. As usual, members gave interesting classes and demos, and I think everyone learned a lot. Just being in a room with a lot of dedicated clayers and seeing their remarkable work was inspiring and made the trip worthwhile. The clay room was open 24 hours per day and at least some members made good use of the time.
This year we started off by going around the room and telling secrets about ourselves, an ice breaker that led to a lot of good stories at Happy Hour. For a small fee, I will repeat some of them....
We did have an unfortunate drama, however. One of our members was rushed to the hospital at 3am with life-threatening heart problems, but she seems to be improving. We all wish Christine a fast recovery.