Monday, March 22, 2021

Gardening and Cooking

One of the benefits of living here in Mexico is the availability of delicious, very fresh produce.  Although almost everything we could want is easy to find in stores, we decided to grow some food of our own in a rooftop garden.  We had these custom planters installed on December 22, 2020 and began harvesting lettuce and kale on February 18.  Stuff grows like magic in the abundant sunshine.

Just planted - December 22, 2020

First Harvest - February 18, 2021

Today - March 22, 2021

In addition to my husband's work in the garden, we have been taking cooking classes with a wonderful local chef named David Jahnke.  We were taking in-person classes, but when Covid put an end to that, David started giving online classes.  So far, we have taken about 120 classes!!!  He teaches all cuisines, not just Mexican, and we have been having a great time trying all sorts of new recipes.  Now with the garden producing fresh ingredients, we have been incorporating them into our meals.  Here are some examples:

Mandarin Spinach Pasta Salad with spinach and mandarin oranges from our garden.

Salmon salad with lettuce and edible nasturtiums from our garden.

Tamarind soup with kale from the garden.  Chef David's recipe.

Tamarind soup ready to serve.

Jalapeño Poppers stuffed with cream cheese, cheddar and panko.  Chef David's recipe.  Nothing from the garden, but good.  I used a blowtorch to roast the peppers so they could be peeled.  Faster than on the stove flame, LOL.


Indigo said...

I'm jealous! Photos are "amazing". You really should do a food blog -- really! Especially now that you're doing all of this experimenting and learning. Rooftop garden, I wonder if that would work in Cambridge.

CStroud said...

They all look delish! We make almost the same spinach salad but instead of pasta we add pine nuts and feta...yummm