Thursday, June 11, 2020

San Miguel Widows' Club

Until tonight, every expat and snowbird we have met in San Miguel, who expressed any kind of political opinion, has been very liberal and virulently anti-Trump.  Tonight we were having dinner at a lovely restaurant with outdoor seating, and even though the tables were widely separated, we couldn't help but overhear the conversation among four elderly ladies, elderly being defined as older than me.  At first we were amused by their discussion about disposing of the remains of their deceased husbands - "he didn't want to be buried next to his first wife" - and talk about their amorous adventures between marriages, but then the conversation turned to the issue of removing Confederate statues.  These ladies all seemed to be from the South, Texas and North Carolina specifically, and two or three of them didn't like the idea of removing what they said was "history."  One lady said, "But would you want a statue of Hitler?"  None of them responded to that.  She also said she had not known until recently that the Civil War had been about slavery!  No response to that either.  Then another lady said she was hoping they could hold out until November and how Trump had done so much for Black people.  WTF???  What planet has she been living on?  They soon realized that we were listening to their conversation, and that was the end of the political discussion.

As they were leaving, I told them that I was planning on getting rid of my husband, who was sitting at my table, and I wondered if there was a widows club in San Miguel.  They said there was and I would be welcome to join.  Sad, but funny.

1 comment:

i-Spring said...

"You can't make this stuff up!"