Monday, September 23, 2019

Boy, did we feel dumb

We contacted the landlady because our hot water heater was not working.  It never came on, so we were taking showers at the gym we just joined.  The landlady sent her plumber, the one who did all the plumbing for the house.  He took one look at the controls and explained in English that we needed to turn the knob the other way for the heat to come on.  Boy, did we feel dumb.  The control knob had a series of dots from small to large, and we thought that the larger dots meant more heat.  Logical, don't you think?  Turns out it was just the opposite.  We had turned it all the way down which is why it never fired up.

The gym we just joined is a terrific facility with tons of weight machines and many aerobic machines - treadmills, stair steppers, elliptical and rowing. There are spinning classes as well, which we may try when we get in a little better shape.  (It's the altitude, you know.) Saunas and steam rooms and shower facilities, all for about $25 USD per month.

We took a walk this afternoon and visited a little store called The Pork House, where we bought some frozen pork chops and a package of frozen pulled pork, and a second shop advertising gourmet chickens.  They had fresh chickens on ice, so we bought one and the lady cut it up, all for 36 pesos, about $1.85 USD.

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